Walking - The Smart Choice
Feel better with a remote control power buggy:
• Golf was always meant to be a walking game.
• Walking the golf course is a great form of exercise that over time makes a significant difference to your health and wellbeing.
• Studies show that you score better when you walk - there's a reason why the pros do it.

Swing Preparation
• Sitting in a cart or having your arms in front of you steering a buggy (electric or push) all day is not ideal.
• Walking freely keeps your upper body moving and agile, which is your best preparation as you approach the next shot.
• A remote control adds freedom and independence to your game, keeping your hands and arms relaxed, and improving your golf swing in the process.
Better Golf
It's hard to match the feeling of walking down the fairway heading straight to your ball after a great drive, ready to play your next shot, with your equipment by your side:
• With a remote control buggy you can walk freely with less distractions allowing you to relax more and sharpen your focus to play your best golf.
• Walking directly on the green then straight off to the next tee, while you send your buggy around the green is just one way a remote control conserves your time and energy for what matters most, your next shot.

Remote Vs Manual Steer Electric
A remote-control electric buggy is the quickest and most efficient and enjoyable way to play a round of golf:
• Don't burn money on a manual steer electric buggy - which will soon be obsolete.
• Spend a little extra to gain a world of freedom and benefits with no downside.
• Give yourself more time, freedom and better preparation between shots.
Latest Technology
The Concourse Smart Wheels ® are the future of electric powered buggies:
• They are a complete solution with the brains and brawn elegantly concealed within the hub of each wheel.
• The sophisticated software delivers intuitive performance including directional and speed control regardless of the terrain so you can stay focused on your golf.
• You will notice how fresh you feel through your round - join the fast growing number of golfers enjoying this advantage with Concourse.